Green Society of India has a clear agenda for the coming days. One is to create resources and the other is to develop a sustainable fund, both aligned to assist harvest the ideas and the technologies that promote and push towards having a greener country. We are seeing a world of diverse range of products and solutions in sustainability, renewable energy and clean technology. Constrained by resources, funds and support, these innovators struggle to find timely help. GSI is ideally placed to function as a system integrator, bringing together disparate producers and service providers in the domain of eco-friendly technologies and services to function as a single industry.
Funds raised from the Green India Awards , will be channeled toward the creation of an incubation fund, which will be invested by creating incubation centers among our partners in the academia and the corporate sector. A fully functional resource center will be set up as a coordinating point to assist organizations in completion of varied processes/formalities of government, patenting, marketing and other procedures.Our Mission Statement: “To facilitate individuals and enterprises in their green endeavors for a cleaner, greener India.”